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Visit to "Grey" restaurant in Vilnius

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Restaurant Gray - a place where you will want to bite your fingers because of the deliciousness! This restaurant has a very wide food and drink menu. Here, you can order not only dishes with an impressive taste, but also taste lemonade from the homemade restaurant Gray.

Looking for a place to have a delicious meal with your friends or family? Then we have a very tasty and tempting offer for you! Restaurant "Grey" in Vilnius will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of flavors you have never experienced before. With this gift voucher, you can order selected snacks, meals and drinks. Restaurant "Grey" is a great place to bring everyone together and have a delicious dinner or lunch!

The offer includes :
  • selected food and drinks from the restaurant menu for the value of the gift certificate


If the restaurant bill is higher than the value of the gift certificate, a restaurant surcharge is applied.

Data sheet
Address: Restaurant "Grey", Pilies st. 2, Vilnius See on the map
Duration: Unlimited
Persons: Unlimited
Clothes: No clothing requirements
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Season: All year
Country: Lithuania
City LT: Vilnius
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
Nemokamas pristatymas ir įpakavimas
Pakeitimo ir pinigų grąžinimo garantija
Saugus apsipirkimas
Input price from 15 to 500 €
Input price
Service supplier:
info@restoranasgrey.lt, +37063322677
Grey Google 4.4 / (3820)
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