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A mysterious excursion with show elements in the Karosta prison in Liepāja

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Karosta prison was a place where military personnel served disciplinary punishments - a gloomy building for breaking people's destinies and suppressing the free spirit. The last prisoners left inscriptions on the walls of the prison cells very recently - in 1997. After the transfer of the last prisoners, the warden noticed various inexplicable phenomena - footsteps, light bulbs unscrewing themselves, the opening of closed cells and even the appearance of apparitions in the corridors of the prison... US ghost hunters have called the Karosta prison the most haunted place in the world.

We offer you a tour accompanied by a guide, during which you can see the prison, which has not changed since the time of the tsar, learn the history of Liepāja Karosta, see the cells and cells, as well as explore the expositions of the Karosta Prison Museum. During this excursion, you must observe discipline, participate in regular training. You may even be put in a cell, but if you disobey, you will be punished…

The offer includes :
  • Disciplined excursion led by guards for 6-10 persons;
  • Inspection of prison cells and cell;
  • The tour is available in Latvian, Russian or English;


Working hours of Karosta prison: in June, July, August every day 9:00-19:00, in May and September every day 10:00-18:00, from October to April on Saturdays and Sundays 12:00-16:00.

Data sheet
Address: "Karosta Prison" - Invalīdu Street 4, Liepāja See on the map
Duration: 1 hour
Exact participants number: 6-10
Clothes: No clothing requirements
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Season: All year
Country: Latvia
City LV: Liepaja
Regions LV: Kurzeme
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
Nemokamas pristatymas ir įpakavimas
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Saugus apsipirkimas

80,00 €

Service supplier:
Karostas cietums
+371 26369470
Karostas cietums Google 4.5 / (3276)
  • Mums ļoti paveicās ar atraktīvu gidu, turklāt nenoslinkojām un ieradāmies uz pirmo apmeklēšanas laiku plkst 11.00. Kad pēc stundas atgriezāmies, pie kases jau drūzmējās melnā sotņa. Šķiet pat oktobra beigās vieta ir labi apmeklēta.
  • Apmeklējām Karaostas cietuma ekskursiju. Bijām 3 paaudzes un mums visiem ļoti patika. Gids atraktīvs un ļoti zinošs, ar vieglumu un humoru iedeva ieskatu pagātnes skaudrajā realitātē. Ziemā noteikti jāsaģērbjas silti, jo arī telpās ir auksti. Tas gan netraucē, bet gan palīdz izprast ieslodzīto sadzīves apstākļus
  • Ļoti interesanta ekskursija Gida pavadībā. Gidam izdevās uzburt tā laika atmosfēru. Ieteiktu apmeklēt šo vietu atrodoties Liepājā. Ekskursijas ilgums aptuveni 1h. Pieejama LV, RU un ENG valodā.
  • Ļoti daudz cilvēku. Gids spēj iedot vēsturisko sajūtu un mazu ieskatu sodītu karavīru ikdienā, bet nekā ļoti graujoša te ieraudzīt vai sajust neizdosies.
  • Ļoti skaista, un vēsturiska vieta. Viegli atrodama. Laipns personāls. Lētas cenas visam (ieejas biļete, pusdienas, suvenīri). Pusdienas ļoti garšīgas. Pēc ekskursijas iespēja noskatīties īsfilmu ( 15 min, bezmaksas) par Karostu. Noteikti iesakam paņemt "Tostiņu" pie pusdienām.