Hotel "SPA VILNIUS Anykščiai" gift voucher

Spend time by visiting the hotel "SPA Vilnius Anykščiai" and have a good rest. During the visit you will find a variety of entertainment and services that will allow you to relax and forget about your daily routine or work. Stay with family, friends or loved ones and enjoy your time together.

The offer includes :
  • Selected services of SPA Vilnius Anykščiai hotel for the value of the gift voucher;


The check can be used for all SPA VILNIUS Anykščiai services.

Data sheet
Address: „SPA Vilnius Anykščiai“ Vilniaus g. 80, Anykščiai See on the map
Duration: No exact duration
Persons: 1-9
Clothes: No clothing requirements
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Season: All year
Country: Lithuania
City LT: Anyksciai
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
Nemokamas pristatymas ir įpakavimas
Pakeitimo ir pinigų grąžinimo garantija
Saugus apsipirkimas
Input price from 100 to 3000 €
Input price
Service supplier:
  • Draugam padovanojom i spa anyksciai dovanu kupona , sake tobula kai gali pats pasirinkt ka isigyyi tai jie isigijo dviems dienos spa ir pietus restorane:)