Indoor karting in Riga

"Press House" kart hall invites you to enjoy the sharp feelings for beginners and professionals, children and adults. The track is a variable surface, forming a different grip level and allows you to experience kart control of each driver. There is a possibility after each ride to compare lap times and achieve a personal record. The safest and most exciting race!

The offer includes :
  • Indoor karting in Riga (10 min.)


Advanced reservations are required! You will be able to participate in this activity only if you have not previously used alcohol or other intoxicating substances. The trip with the kart possible from 7 years!

Data sheet
Address: "Kartinga nams XL Riga" - Ūdens iela 23, Rīga See on the map
Duration: 10 min.
Persons: 1
Clothes: Comfortable clothing that does not restrict movements
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Season: All year
Country: Latvia
City LV: Riga
Regions LV: Rīga
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
Nemokamas pristatymas ir įpakavimas
Pakeitimo ir pinigų grąžinimo garantija
Saugus apsipirkimas

16,00 €

Service supplier:
Kartinga Nams XL Riga
+371 27545555
Google 4.5 / (518)
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