Water bike ride for 2 pers. in Riga

Richard watersports centre , which is used for the movement of wind power.Kit consists of a windsurfing board in length from 2.15 to 3.80 and sails up to 12.5 m, boom , mast extension and the hinge for connecting boards and sails .Used for manufacturing carbon fiber masts and 100 % , due to this weight reduction is achieved with greater flexibility is obtained , resulting in improving the profile of the sail .

Water motorcycle SEA DOO Bombardier will provide you the opportunity to break away from everyday life and forget all troubles. Feel the speed and sense of freedom! This is driving without lights and distinctive bands. You will be able to ride in any direction in Riga, because there is no rules in the water. If you love speed and are not afraid of water - this fun is for you!

The offer includes :
  • 5-15 min briefing;
  • 25 min water bike rent (1-2 pers.);
  • life jacket (1-2 pers.);
Data sheet
Address: "Richard watersports centre" - Roberta Feldmaņa iela 11, Rīga See on the map
Duration: 30 minutes
Persons: 2
Clothes: All necessary equipment will be provided.
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Season: May 1 - October 1
Country: Latvia
City LV: Riga
Regions LV: Rīga
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
Nemokamas pristatymas ir įpakavimas
Pakeitimo ir pinigų grąžinimo garantija
Saugus apsipirkimas

52,95 €

Service supplier:
Richard watersports centre
+371 29940712; https://vindserfings.com/rezervacija
Google 4.4 / (89)
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