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Overnight stay in two rooms "Lavender" with SPA in Telšiai

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The Lavender Inn is a modern complex of new buildings with a guest house and restaurant. Located on the shore of the Viešvėnai pond, far from the center of Telšiai, you will feel complete peace. You can also enjoy the dishes at the Lavender Inn restaurant in Palanga. The pure and fresh air, the enchanting breath emitted by the sea of ​​lavender flowers, creates an uplifting mood for everyone who misses the naturalness and intoxicating touch of nature. At Lavender Inn, you will be greeted by a friendly and professional staff, so that during your stay you will experience only pleasant moments and warm impressions.

At the guest house "Lavender Inn" in Telšiai, you will be waiting for 1 night with a relaxing spa area and a delicious breakfast in the hotel restaurant. It is a great opportunity to escape from the daily routine and spend time with a loved one, enjoying the lavender fields and an exclusive romantic atmosphere.

The offer includes :
  • 1 night in the Lavender room for 2 persons with the greatest lavender spirit;
  • free coffee/tea;
  • hearty and delicious breakfast in the cozy "Lavender Inn" cafe;
  • 2 hours duration of spa and sauna pleasures;
  • free water entertainment in the nearby pond - paddle boarding and/or boating;
  • rest zone;
  • outdoor children's playground;
  • wireless internet throughout the area;
  • parking space;


Arrival is possible all year round, on all days of the week. If you cannot arrive at the hotel at the reserved time, you must notify us 5 days in advance. Without notification, the service provider reserves the right to cancel the passport. Arrival from 15:00, departure until 12:00. The service is provided to persons from 18 years of age.

Data sheet
Address: Lavender Inn Guest House, Viešvės st. 19A, Viešvėnai km., Telšiai district. See on the map
Persons: 2
Clothes: No clothing requirements
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Validity of accomondation: Valid on weekends as well
Season of accomodation: All the year round
Number of nights: 1
Meal: Breakfast
Country: Lithuania
City LT: Telsiai
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
Nemokamas pristatymas ir įpakavimas
Pakeitimo ir pinigų grąžinimo garantija
Saugus apsipirkimas

149,00 €

Service supplier:
Lavender Inn Guest House
+370 673 91211, info@lavenderinn.lt
Google 4.6 / (428)
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