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Helsinki - Porvoo - Helsinki Cruise

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M/s JL Runeberg will take you from Helsinki through the Uusimaa archipelago to the second oldest city in Finland, Porvoo! The cruise leaves Helsinki from Linnanlaitur (in the market square) at 10 a.m. and returns at around 7:30 p.m. The journey from Helsinki to Porvois takes approx. 3.5 hours. We arrive in Porvoo at 1:30 p.m. and return from Porvoo at 4 p.m. There is therefore about 2.5 hours to visit Porvoo.

The historic and beautiful city of Porvoo is a very popular tourist destination. The atmosphere of the old town can be described as timeless and enchanting; unique buildings, cobbled streets, narrow alleys, idyllic parks and especially the red beach fences are a charming landscape.

During the sea voyage, we stop at Mustasa Hevose and Haikon Manor upon request. M/s JL Runeberg's facilities and salons are available to all passengers during the sea voyage. There is also seating on the outside deck. The maximum capacity on board is 220 people.

The offer includes :
  • Helsinki-Porvoo Cruise (round trip);
  • Departure from Helsinki at 10:00 and return to Helsinki at 19:30;
  • About 2.5 hours to visit beautiful Porvoo;
  • On request, the possibility to stop during the sea trip at Mustasa Hevose and Haikon Manor;
  • The ship's facilities and salons are available to all passengers during the sea voyage: seats inside and on the outer deck;
  • Cafe available on the lower deck of the ship (on request also on the landing deck);
  • Route service Helsinki- Porvoo- Helsinki: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday;


m/s JLRuneberg's facilities are original and we have kept them as they are for historical and atmospheric reasons. The ship has narrow and steep stairs from the landing deck to the upper and lower decks. The landing deck has both outdoor and indoor seating. Please note that the ship's cafeteria is located on the lower deck. On request, the ship's staff also serves on the landing deck. Children's ticket: 7-16 years. Children under 7 get in for free with their parents.

Data sheet
Address: Departure in Helsinki from the Linnanlaitur market
Duration: 10 h
Persons: 1 (price differs, select above at "Number of participants")
Clothes: No clothing requirements
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Season: Warm season
Validity of accomondation: Valid on weekends as well
Country: Finland
Region Finland: Uusimaa
Cities in Finland: Helsinki, Porvoo
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
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  • Select the number of persons

23,00 €

Service supplier:
Varustamo J.L. Runeberg
Google 4.6 / (16)
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