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Ice climbing on Pyhä

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Try ice climbing on Pyhä. Hang your picks on the wall and climb up the ice wall! The ice sanctuary of Pyhä Tajukkanka is only a 10-minute hike from Hotel Pyhätunturi. Bliss Adventure's instructor secures the climber with a rope, advises and encourages. In the meantime, the other participants enjoy the warmth of the campfire and a hot drink and follow the climber's progress on the wall. Enjoying ice climbing does not require previous climbing experience, and is suitable for everyone who enjoys brisk outdoor activities.

The offer includes :
  • Bliss Adventure's instructor picks up customers from CAMP Kitchen & Bar at the agreed time and leads them to the scenic Tajukanka;
  • The instructor secures the climber with a rope, advises and encourages. In the meantime, the other participants enjoy the warmth of the campfire and a hot drink and follow the climber's progress on the wall;
  • Enjoying ice climbing does not require previous climbing experience, and is suitable for everyone who enjoys brisk outdoor activities;
  • All ice climbing equipment, such as helmet, harness, ice irons, picks and footwear (climbing shoes or ski boots for the smallest children) are included in the service;


All participants must be equipped for the cold winter weather. Layered clothing is recommended. Avoid a beanie that does not fit under a climbing helmet (a thin beanie or balaclava is better).

A small snack that fits in your pocket (energy bar, chocolate, nuts, etc.) can be a good idea.

The ice climbing experiment is best suited for people over 12 years old. Children younger than this can climb with their parents at the same time.

Data sheet
Address: Kultakeronkatu 21, 98530 Pyhätunturi
Duration: 2 hours 30 min.
Persons: 1
Clothes: Weatherproof clothes, leisure hiking shoes
Gift voucher validity: Valid for 12 months from date of purchase
Season: Cold season, December - march
Country: Finland
Region Finland: Lapland
Cities in Finland: Rovaniemi
Preliminary registration required: Contact information is shown on the gift coupon.
Nemokamas pristatymas ir įpakavimas
Pakeitimo ir pinigų grąžinimo garantija
Saugus apsipirkimas

97,00 €

Service supplier:
Bliss Adventure
Bliss Adventure Google 5 / (25)
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